Union Station: Document View

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Title: Union Station, Washington, D.C.
Author: B.S. Reynolds

Document Information

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Bibliographic Metadata

Author: B.S. Reynolds
Title: Union Station, Washington, D.C.
Archive: George Mason University
Collection name: Professor Randolph H. Lytton Post Card Collection
Document location: Union Station Folder
Publication location: Washington D.C.
Publisher: B.S. Reynolds

Descriptive Metadata

Editorial notes:
Description: The New Union Station at Washington was built by the U.S. Government and the Pennsylvania Railroad and the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. The cost of the land, building and terminal improvements was $18,000,000. The structure is the finest railway station in the world. The building of white granite, is 760 feet in length and 343 feet in width.

Technical Metadata

Date scanned: 06/12/07
Person scanning: Pim van den Assum
Date converted: 06/19/07
Person converting: Pim van den Assum
Scanner used: HP scanjet 8290
OCR program:
Technical notes: