Louis Justement's Washington: Document View

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Title: Photo - Falkland Apartments
Author: Murck, Jennifer
Date: 04/25/2006

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Author: Murck, Jennifer
Title: Photo - Falkland Apartments
Date: 04/25/2006
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Editorial notes:
Description: This is a current photo of the Falkland Apartments, located at the intersection of 16th Street & East-West Highway in Silver Spring, Maryland. Louis Justement designed Falkland Properties in 1936 as a large-scale housing project for the Federal Housing Authority. It was one of the first housing projects for low income residents financed by the FHA and its design was based on the apartment house design Justement recieved a patent for in 1926. Justement won an award for his design of the property in 1940 and in 1980 the Falkland Tenants Association fought to have the property named a historic landmark. Over the past few decades sections of Falkland properties have been destroyed to make way for new developments. Silver Spring residents are still fighting to save as many of the apartments as possible.
Subjects: Justement, Louis, 1891-1968;; public housing;; FHA;; Falkland Apartments

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