George Washington University History: Document View

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Title: Excerpt from George Washington's Will
Author: Washington, George
Date: 07/09/1799

Page 7 of George Washington's Will

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Bibliographic Metadata

Author: Washington, George
Title: Excerpt from George Washington's Will
Date: 07/09/1799
Archive: Special Collections, University of Virginia
Collection name: The Papers of George Washington: Retirement series
Document location:
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Descriptive Metadata

Editorial notes:
Description: This excerpt is from the oft-cited portion of George Washington's will where he expresses his desires for the creation of a national university and bequeaths "the fifty shares which I hold in the Potomac Company... towards the endowment of a UNIVERSITY to be established within the limits of the District of Columbia."
Subjects: George Washington;; will;; Potomac Company;; District of Columbia;; bequeath;; national;; university

Technical Metadata

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Date converted: 03/15/2006
Person converting: Meagan Hess
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