National Museum of Natural History: Document View

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Title: The National National Museum, Washington, D. C.

Document Information

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Bibliographic Metadata

Title: The National National Museum, Washington, D. C.
Archive: George Mason University
Collection name: Proffessor Lytton
Document location: The New National Museum folder
Publication location: Washington, D. C.
Publisher: The Capitol Souvenir Company

Descriptive Metadata

Editorial notes:
Description: THE NEW NATIONAL MUSEUM, located directly north of the Smithsonian building, is a massive white granite structure, four stories high, with a frontage of 561 feet, a depth of 365 feet and a height of 82 feet. The building was designed to house the collections and laboratories of natural history, including geology, ethnology and archaeology. There is placed here also the World War Historical collection, embracing extensive collections of arms and military equipment and uniforms.

Technical Metadata

Date scanned:
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Date converted: 06/29/2007
Person converting: Pim van den Assum
Scanner used: HP
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